IAR, International Artist Residency, is a project conceived and curated by Francesco Ciotola and Raffaele Loffredo.

An international call for artists invited to express themselves through the language of video art.

The theme for its first edition, is: contemporary dynamics for the urban transformation.

The partecipants will send a video work, related to the topic that will be evaluated by a scientific board composed by professionals from the world of culture and visual arts.

The project:
The theme for IAR first edition, is: contemporary dynamics for the urban transformation.

The partecipants will send a video work, related to the topic.

The scientific board will select video works that will be shown in a collective exhibition at Palazzo Fondi and in a virtual gallery on the IAR website.

The scientific board will also select one artist who will join the opening and the vernissage of the exhibition, in Naples; the artist will be awarded with a four days art residency, in Naples at Gradoni Chiaia Contemporary Art & Bed, he will have the chance to use Lo Stato dell’Arte as a temporary on-site studio and will receive an artist souvenir dedicated to the event.

During the stay, the winner will work on a short video story about the “artist in residence” experience to finish on the way back, in order to show it on the IAR website.

Method of partecipation:

The project is open to artists of all nationalities, operating in Italy and abroad and is totally free.

Artists who want to join the project are invited to present a video related to the theme: contemporary dynamics of urban transformation.

The artwork must be the result of the relationship with the dimension of the territory, which speaks of it in a real or imaginary way.

In addition to the submission of the work, the participants must submit an updated Artist Statement.

There is no registration fee or secretarial expenses.

The email for sending images is: iar.residency@gmail.com

The format for sending the files must be in mp4, in full HD. The submitted videos mustn’t have more than two minutes.

The deadline for the presentation of the works is set for SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER 2020 AT 24.00 a.m.

Header: IAR International Artists Residency, emails with other headers may not be displayed. Please sign the email with your personal details, name, surname and telephone contact.

In order to ensure the high quality of the works, a selection will be made by the scientific board composed by professionals from the world of culture and visual arts:

Salvino Campos – Artist
Santiago Caprio – Architect, Urban Designer
Mariela Castro – Psychologist, Sociologist, Director of CENESEX
Francesco Ciotola – Artist, Art Historian and Curator
Azzurra Immediato – Historian, art critic and independent curator
Lamosa Lab – Art Space, organizer of the Festival Internacional de Videoarte 1 Minuto
Raffaele Loffredo – Curator, Art Historian, Art Critic
David Murolo – Cultural Heritage Management, Digital and Audiovisual Content Producer
Amelia Rojo – Public Image Consultant, Communication, Fashion and Sustainable Marketing specialists
Paolo Titolo – Artist

Rights to use images:
By participating in the call, you agree to grant the organization the rights to use the images exclusively for advertising and publicity purposes related to the event and the activities of the association, during the current year and for years to come.
The authors are also solely responsible for any violation of the rights of third parties (in particular of copyright or in case of damaging or defamatory images) and declare to be in possession of the rights of duplication and reproduction of the images, to be solely responsible for the contents of the images themselves, releasing the organization from any third party claims due to a possible violation of these rights.

Project Ends:
The IAR project, International Artists Residency aims to collect artistic reflections on urban transformations to make visible the importance of public space and contribute to increasing the quality of life in cities as well as creating a visual archive on Urban Transformation processes.
The final exhibition following the selection of the authors, which will be held in Naples, at the Circular room of Palazzo Fondi on a date to be determined in the days between November 20 and December 3, 2020,wants to be in fact a cross-section on the theme, analyzed through video art.

Lo Stato dell’Arte is a space conceived to be a vector of Art and Culture through the critical confrontation between people.
Gradoni Chiaia Contemporary Art&Bed is a Home Gallery that hosts works by Italian and international artists for curatorial projects, artist residencies, cultural tourism.
Palazzo Fondi is a special temporary real estate enhancement project by the State Property Agency, coordinated and developed by the Urban Value by Ninetynine agency