
AAPS is a Arts Culture and Public Space platform, to facilitate the distribution and above all the visibility, between art professionals, artists, city makers and pubic administrations. Curating and Art Influencers sharing the best of what is done in the world of urban transformation.


AAPS is an international contemporary Art and Public Space Culture Platform for visual arts, theatre, dance, music, video, education, literature and more.


AAPS is a Arts Culture and Public Space platform, to facilitate the distribution and above all the visibility, between art professionals, artists, city makers and pubic administrations. Curating and Art Influencers sharing the best of what is done in the world of urban transformation.

Artists & Public Space

Keep public parks public. Erect memorials, statues and fountains, paths, streets, bridges. The belief among a restricted community that the public needs some form of “enlightenment” is an insufficient rationale. Please let us enjoy a park as a park and not a vehicle for promoting someone else’s version of “beauty.”

Regarding “artists” and “public art,” one must first define “art.” And who are the arbiters? Your “beauty” may very well be my “disgusting,” your “deep expression” my “what?” With such a wide variety of tastes, the display of anyone’s version of “art” should be relegated to private spaces.


Join us and you too can write your own post on AAPS. we will publish the most relevant articles and respecting an interest for art and public space topics.